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Children’s Progress

At Stoeygate Nursery, we operate a Key Person system. A Key Person is a member of our teaching staff that is allocated to your child in order to help develop relationships and provide a point of contact for our parents.  As Key Workers develop relationships with children and families, they are able to provide written observations of children’s activities. These observations form the basis of our assessment at Stoneygate Nursery School.

Your Key Person will be the initial point of contact regarding your child's progress and development; if you have any questions around how your child is getting on in nursery, then please do ask.

All of our children, within the first 4 weeks of their arrival into the setting, are 'baseline' assessed; this is where we gather information about what your child can already do, in order to ascertain their starting points and identify 'next steps' targets for their learning and development moving forward. Following on from this 'baseline' assessment, your child will then be assessed at least termly by their Class Teacher/Key Person.  We aim to share information about children’s learning and progress with parents on a termly basis, via parent meetings.

Bi-lingual staff are able to support parents and carers by sharing information in several community languages should this be needed.

For more information on how you can support your child’s language development at home, please click here.

In addition, the document below, 'What to expect in the Early Years Foundation Stage: a guide for parents', is a great source of information and helps to outline your child's learning and development in the EYFS as well as what to expect from your child at various age milestones and tips on how to help your child achieve these.